Friday, October 18, 2013

Who Am I?

             If you don't know by now: I love music. Music is a free expression with priceless impressions. One of my favorite songs is titled: Who Am I? by Da Truth feat. Tye Tribette. I like this song because he compares himself to characters from the Bible. As he goes down the list, he says who he does not want to be.  At this point in my life, it is crucial for me to evaluate and ask myself, who am I? To assist me answer this question, I have taken at least three personality test.

The first test measures my creativity and which hemisphere is at work most of the time. It is called Right Brain vs. Left Brain Creativity. Surprisingly, I think with the left side of my brain instead of my right. The test indicated I am a critical thinker. For the purposes of my blog, I have screenshot my test. So everyone can see my results.

The next test was extremely simple. It is the Personality Quiz.I just had to pick a picture out of about eight. To the right is the picture I chose, mostly because it is colorful and I love bright colors. I am not sure if I agree with the results of the test. For one: I don't see myself as "spontaneous." I see my life governed by a plan.  Then the test says I "thrive on change" which is absolutely not true. So I had to investigate what is the problem with personality test and what I came across an article by Dr. Wendell Williams titled "The Problem with Personality Tests".
           The gist of the article is personality test do not indicate job skill level despite how often a person is asked to take personality test for a job. The very first issue addressed is the accuracy of the test and how the test do not measure KSAs. KSAs are skills for employment such as teamwork, planning, analyzing, etc. Ironically the Right Brain vs. Left Brain Creativity test concludes by giving me a list of career options that best suite someone with my creativity patterns. I don't believe any of the career choices are right for me. So I totally agree with Dr. Williams. Another, obvious understanding of the test is the results change. Reason being is the different feelings yield different results.
                   In the middle of Fall 2013, I took the Color Test which is about October. Then I took the same test again in December, the end of the semester. SAme test, same person but feeling differently about life and its situations. So this is a snapshot of my first results:  
and this is the results of my second test

There are a number of differences but all in all, there accurate in analyzing each category according to the time period in my life. 

              From taking these personality test, I must admit I was shocked at the results. For the creativity test, I was shocked at how I use more of my left side of my brain to think and the list of careers that a person with my thinking pattern have. With the Personality Quiz, I can not fathom how the test saw me as a person who likes change, when change gives me the feeling of falling into a bottomless pit.  However, with the Color test, I was surprised at how true the test was, it hit the nail right on the head, every time. Nevertheless, I still agree with the Dr. Williams' article about problem with personality test. He states the problem is these personality test employers are making applicants take do not measure that persons job skills.  Yet, I do believe these personality test have given me a glimpse, a sufficient measurement of how I process what is going on around me and in my life but most importantly the test give me a sense of WHO AM I?  

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